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New York Strong

We love our community! Thank you so much for all of your support. It's because of you we've been able to feed 150 families! The pre-order is now closed.
We're proud native New Yorkers and wanted to find a way to help our community during the COVID-19 crisis. So we created this tee to help feed families in New York City. Our first production was such a HUGE success and through generous supporters, we were able to feed over 100 families! 

Why New York River Fund? 
New York is facing a hunger crisis. Food banks in New York are seeing a 5x increase in the number of people that need their services. And the most vulnerable members of our community, seniors and children, stand to suffer the most. River Fund is on the frontlines of the pandemic serving more than 40 zip codes in all five boroughs. Just last week they distributed 340,000 pounds of food the equivalent of SEVEN tractor-trailers of groceries
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